En primer lugar Del Rey publica la esperada continuación de las novelas de la saga X-Wing con la décima entrega a cargo de Aaron Allston, escritor de casi toda la serie al completo salvo por los primeros volúmenes, obra de Michael A. Stackpole. Su título es Mercy Kill y se ambientará durante diversos periodos de la cronología de Star Wars, desde la derrota del Imperio hasta más allá de "La Nueva Orden Jedi", lo que se conoce como la "Era Legado". ¡Queda poco más de una semana para que llegue a las librerías!
Respecto a las publicaciones en cómic, Dark Horse continúa publicando nuevos ómnibus. Para este mes se corresponde la primera entrega de los cómics dedicados a "Las Guerras Clon" (la colección previa a la serie de televisión en 3D). Recoge los volúmenes publicados en castellano: La defensa de Kamino, Victorias y Sacrificios y Luz y Oscuridad. Por lo demás, se publica una nueva entrega de los cómics juveniles basados, esta vez sí, en la serie de televisión, con The Sith Hunters, con la aparición estelar de Darth Maul. Más información de las novedades:

Novela en inglés.
The intrepid spies, pilots, and sharpshooters of Wraith Squadron are back in an all-new Star Wars adventure, which transpires just after the events of the Fate of the Jedi series!
Three decades have passed since Wraith Squadron carried out its last mission. Taking on the most dangerous and daring operations, the rogues and misfits of the elite X-Wing unit became legends of the Rebellion and the Second Galactic Civil War, before breaking up and going their separate ways. Now their singular skills are back in vital demand—for a tailor-made Wraith Squadron mission.
A powerful general in the Galactic Alliance Army, once renowned for his valor, is suspected of participating in the infamous Lecersen Conspiracy, which nearly toppled the Alliance back into the merciless hands of the Empire. With orders to expose and apprehend the traitor—and license to do so by any and all means—the Wraiths will become thieves, pirates, impostors, forgers... and targets, as they put their guts, their guns, and their riskiest game plan to the test against the most lethal of adversaries.
Cómic en inglés.
The Clone Wars explode across the galaxy! From the stormy seas of Kamino to the rocky hills of Devaron, the battle lines have been drawn, and the Jedi Knights who were once protectors of the peace must become generals, leading the clone armies of the Republic to war! These are the stories that were published immediately after the release of Attack of the Clones, featuring Jedi heroes Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, and Quinlan Vos. Collects Clone Wars Volume 1: Defense of Kamino, Volume 2: Victories and Sacrifices, Volume 4: Light and Dark, and Free Comic Book Day 2006.
Cómic en inglés.
Would-be Sith Savage Opress has located his long-lost brother, Darth Maul! Now the two of them have embarked on a killing spree, cutting a deadly swath through the Outer Rim planets. Determined to stop the brothers, the Jedi Council sends a task force of skilled Jedi to hunt them down and bring them to justice. But when you’re hunting Sith, be careful . . . You might just catch them! Cover art by Dave Filoni, the supervising director of the TV show The Clone Wars!
* Darth Maul and Savage Opress together!
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Hace mucho tiempo que no oyes el suave sonido de la pluma rasgando el pergamino, así que busca en la estantería más cercana y recita los versos apropiados, pero sé cuidadoso o terminarás en la sección prohibida. ¡Por Crom! Los dioses del acero te lo agradecerán.